Like WhatsApp, Telegram also allows you to exchange text messages, file attachments, and more. Also, the app offers you individual and group voice/video call options. If you have been using Telegram for a while, you might know about its photo compression algorithm. Although Telegram’s photo compression algorithm is not as aggressive as WhatsApp, images exchanged on the app still have an evident quality loss. What if I tell you that you can send images on Telegram without compression? Telegram has a feature that lets you send your gallery files in uncompressed form, i.e., their original quality. Also read: How to Create Your Own Telegram Channel

Steps to Send Photos & Videos Without Compression in Telegram

Hence, this article will share a step-by-step guide on sending photos and videos without compression in Telegram. The process will be very easy; follow some simple steps below.

  1. First of all, open the Telegram app on your Android.

  2. Now tap on the clip icon and select the images that you want to send.

  3. After selecting the photos, tap on the three dots shown in the screenshot below.

  4. From the menu option, click on the Send without compression.

That’s it! You are done. The images will be sent without any compression.

Send Media Files without compression in Telegram for Desktop

Like Telegram for Android, Telegram for desktop also allows you to send images/videos without compression. Follow some of the simple steps given below to send photoS without compression in Telegram for Desktop.

  1. First of all, launch the Telegram app on your PC. Now, select the chat where you want to share the media files.

  2. Click on the clip icon and select the files that you want to send.

  3. On the Confirmation popup, uncheck the Compress images option and click on the Send button.

That’s it! You are done. This is how you can send Photos without compression in Telegram for desktop. Also read: How to Share Your Live Location with Friends on Telegram So, this guide is all about how to send photos, videos without compression in Telegram. I hope this article helped you! Please share it with your friends also. If you have any doubts about this, let us know in the comment box below.


How to Send Photos   Videos Without Compression in Telegram - 58How to Send Photos   Videos Without Compression in Telegram - 4How to Send Photos   Videos Without Compression in Telegram - 23How to Send Photos   Videos Without Compression in Telegram - 96How to Send Photos   Videos Without Compression in Telegram - 48How to Send Photos   Videos Without Compression in Telegram - 30How to Send Photos   Videos Without Compression in Telegram - 3How to Send Photos   Videos Without Compression in Telegram - 33How to Send Photos   Videos Without Compression in Telegram - 83